Так, привет всем! Немножко подпропал на месяцок. Я всё ещё в

Так, привет всем! Немножко подпропа

Так, привет всем! Немножко подпропал на месяцок. Я всё ещё в "славной" Камбодже. Так уж часто бывает - человек предполагает, а Вселенная располагает. Думал проездом во Вьетнам через Камбоджу чисто за недельку проскочить. Ага, ну ну. =) Много чего здесь происходило и происходит. Руки как дойдут, я чего-нибудь напишу и, конечно, поделюсь. Ну, как всегда - сотни километров пыльных дорог, камбоджийские ночные басы (тема отдельного поста, несомненно, как и всё, о чем пишу в этом обзорном посте). Были и ночные глухие трассы на мотобайке сквозь гарь, дожди и яркие звёзды. Самые беднейшие трущёбы в мире, опять же на мотобайке - слава богу тогда был резвый 125-и кубовый Сюзуки, какой-то уж нереально мощный, особенно при разгоне до первых 60-70-км в час - не знаю, чего уж там кхмеры с ним наколдовали в своих этих замасленных мастерских. И тормоза у него были прямо ах какие чёткие. Хотя пепелац был далеко не новый! Так что если что, наверное я бы успел унести ноги оттуда. Но в целом байки тут убитые и арендовать что-то адекватное - непросто. В Индонезии и тем более Таиланде с этим было куда проще.

А ещё был ночной Ангкор ват с подругой кхмеркой и фонариком от смартфона.

Вообще Камбоджа как-то по особенному воспринимается именно ночью. Именно ночная Камбоджа играет на струнах моей души. А дневная чаще расстраивает струны моей нервной системы. =) Ах.. Ну, а ещё бесконечные фрайд-райсы и лок-лаки, от которых уже просто воротит. Иногда жара, но кока-кола со льдом выручает. Подсел что-то на колу со льдом тут прям. Ну, еще раз - кхмерки - такие они красивые, фигурки просто отпад. Пожил-поездил с ними немножко. Так и хочется написать, что существует два мотива, ради которых стоит поехать в Камбоджу - великолепный Ангкор-ват и местные женщины. Для мужской части населения, подразумевается. Нет, ну наверное еще в Сиануквиль, если хочется камбоджийской дыры-анапы с привкусом местного "колорита".

Было и общение с нашими русскими ребятами, кто-то приютил на часть дней в Сием-Рипе, так же показазали мне все нужные правильные места Сием-Рипа и Пном-Пеня. Да впрочем.. я уже за годы странствий сам как ходячий трип-адвизор какой-то с вложенной функцией калькулятора валют в голове.

Что было ещё? Ну, ок. Поделюсь наверное. В начале июля в аварию я попал. Не по своей вине, я вожу хорошо, как сел на мотобайк на Самуи в начале февраля, так ни разу не падал, тьфу тьфу! При этом кто ездил со мной, знает о моей агрессивной и быстрой манере езды. Но мне так проще и безопаснее. А когда плетусь 50 км в час скраю - вот это по настоящему страшно и я хуже чувствую дорогу и манёвры. Кароче, в той ситуации кхмер какой-то мне на встречку выскочил из под встречного грузовика, да так резко и прямо мне в лоб. От лобового я ушел, всё это рефлексы и просто доли секунды. Но таки шоркнул его, с байком поборолся но таки упал. Скорости у обоих были не малые. Кхмер скрылся, конечно же. Да и какая разница - здесь по дефолту баранг (иностранец) всегда неправ в любом ДТП. Ладно, в целом всё обошлось, я ничего не сломал, был в шлеме, и когда головой ударился, но не почувствовал ничего. Это я к тому, господа любители ездить без шлемов, что одевайте тут в ЮВА таки шлемы. И не эти пластиковые каски - это не поможет, а шлем который хотя бы уши закрывает. Все конечности пострадали - колени, ладони, локти - всё открытые раны, в кровь в мясо прямо. Кхмеры на моем же мотобайке помогли меня довезти по пункта медицинского. Ой, ну вы бы видели этот медицинский пункт в Камбо. Ахах. Но доктор-парнишка сделал всё как надо. Промывание йодами-перекисями и можно сказать отшоркивание грязи-пыли-земли-глины прямо по открытой кровавой ране - ох столько русского мата Камбоджа еще не слышала! Вколи хоть обезболивающее, говорю. Точнее какой там говорю - он ни слова по английски. Всё жестами жестами, как часто тут в Камбо. Ну он мне мне трамадола двойную дозу - всё равно больно было, зараза! Вакцина от столбняка ещё. Вобщем чуть более недели я был обездвижен и лежал в номере в Пном Пене в одиночестве. Первые три дня даже вай фая не было. Лишь звук вентилятора. Лан, нормально - щас я уже нормально хожу и снова вожу мотобайк. Нет, ну кто из фарангов не падал на байках в ЮВА? Про местных вообще молчу. Столько аварий видел на дорогах. Нет, после Бали и Суматры мне уже ничего не было страшно. Но, кажется, Камбо переплюнула даже их по безумности движения.

Что ещё? Да не знаю, в Камбо просто так всё как то устроено, что больший "трэш" я встречал толко разве что в Индии. При этом здесь есть многое, многие зацепки, которые вот просто так не отпускают отсюда. И в некоторые моменты даже я находил эту страну по своему прекрасной.

Ладно, на этом пока откланиваюсь. Потом, надеюсь, будут более подробные посты и отчеты. Будьте на чеку в Камбо, тут такие есть разводы, начиная от совершенно глупых и наивных до весьма тонких хитрых и так спланированных, что потом хочется просто поклониться аферисту/аферистке и похлопать в ладоши ему/ей, и от всей души посмеяться над собой, что всё же хоть раз за путешествие, но оказался словом из трёх русских букв. )

На фото: два часа ночи, где то посреди Камбоджи вдали от городов и деревень. Такой там был воздух, такие звёзды, такая атмосфера. Главное было, чтоб бенз не закончился, и Armin в ушах, а точнее батарея от моего старенького mp-3 плеера. Эти моменты - они самые медитативно-кайфовые в Азии здесь. Дорога, ночь, мотобайк, лёгкий встречный ветер, и никого вокруг. Ты один, и это так непередаваемо, или подруга кхмерка, обнимающая тебя сзади в этой ночи, и это ещё больше непередаваемо. Ковёр звёзд над головой. И трек в ушах, подобный этому (у меня
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
So, Hello to all! A little podpropal at mesâcok. I'm still in the "glorious" Cambodia. Too often-man proposes, and the universe. Thought in Viet Nam through Cambodia travel purely for week or two slip through. AHA, well, well. = A lot of things happened here). Hands like will, I will write something and of course share. Well, as always-hundreds of kilometers of dusty roads, Cambodian night bass (a separate post, no doubt, like everything about what I write in this review post). There were nightly deaf to speed through the smoke, rain and bright stars. Most of the world's poorest truŝëby, again on speed-thank God then was Frisky and 125 cc Sûzuki, some too unrealistically powerful, particularly during acceleration to the first 60-70 km per hour-I do not know what is really there Rouge with him in their nakoldovali these oily garages. And the brakes were right oh what are clear. Although pepelac was not new! So if anything, probably I would have had time to carry out their feet from there. But in General, tales here dead and rent something adequate-not easy. In Indonesia, Thailand, and even more so, it was much easier. And then there was the night of Angkor Wat with a girlfriend and khmerkoj flashlight from Smartphone. Cambodia in General as something especial perceived it is at night. It is a night of Cambodia played on strings of my soul. A day often frustrates the strings of my nervous system. =) Ah ... Well, even the endless fried-participate and Lok Lak, which is simply disgusting. Sometimes warmth, but Coca Cola with ice rescues. Hooked something on Cola with ice here is straight. Well, again-khmerki-are they beautiful figurines simply otpad. Lived-travelled widely with them slightly. And I want to write that there are two motives for which it is worth to go to Cambodia-the magnificent Angkor Wat and the local women. For men, is implied. No, probably even in Sihanoukville if want Cambodian hole-Anapa with a taste of local "colour". It and communication with our Russian guys, someone has sheltered for days in Siem Reap, just pokazazali me all the right correct spots Siem Reap and Phnom Penh Penalty. Yes indeed ... I have over the years wandering as a walking trip-advizor some with nested function calculator of currencies in the head. What was the other? Well, OK. Share probably. In early July in an accident I got. No fault of their own, I take good as sat on a motorbike on Koh Samui in early February, so never fell, ugh Ugh! In doing so, who traveled with me knows about my aggressive and quick manner to drive. But it is easier and safer. And when pletus′ 50 km per hour near the edge-this is really scary and I feel way worse and maneuvers. So, in that situation any Khmer me at denies jumped out from under an oncoming truck, Yes so sharp and me straight in the forehead. I left frontal, reflexes and just a fraction of a second. But still šorknul his bike with a pass but still fell. Both have speed were not small. Khmer disappeared, of course. Yes, and what a difference-here defaults Barang (foreigner) always wrong in any accident. OK, in general everything went well, I'm not broke, was wearing a helmet, and when their heads collided, but felt nothing. I mean, gentlemen amateurs ride without helmets that wear here in SOUTHEAST ASIA still helmets. And not these plastic helmets-it doesn't help, and helmet who closes ears. All limbs affected-knees, palms, elbows-all open wounds, blood in the meat directly. Rouge on my same speed helped me take on a medical item. Oh, well, you would have seen this medical clinic in Cambo. Ahah. But Dr.-chappie did everything as it should be. Jodami lavage-peroxides and you can say otšorkivanie dirt-dust-Earth-clay directly to open a bloody wound-oh so much Russian Mata Cambodia haven't heard! Vkoli though the pain reliever was talking about. Precisely what there saying-it not a word in English. All gestures gestures as often here in Cambo. Well he told me me tramadol double dose-still hurt it, taint! Tetanus vaccine. So a little over a week I was immobilized and lay in a room at Phnom Foam alone. The first three days of Wai fai was not even. Only the sound of the fan. Lang, OK-right now I have already OK go and again drive motobike. No, not farangov who fell on bikes in SOUTHEAST ASIA? About local at all silent. So many crashes seen on the roads. No, after Bali and Sumatra me nothing was scary. But it seems out-did them even on Cambo bezumnosti movement. What else? Yes do not know, just because everything in Cambo are like that, that more "heavy" I met only except in India. While there are many, many flaws, that that's just not released here. And in some moments even I found this country on its beautiful. Okay, on this until otklanivaûs′. Then, hopefully, will be more detailed posts and reports. Be on the alert in Cambo, here are there divorces, ranging from completely stupid and naive to cunning and very thin so orchestrated that then just want to worship aferistu/aferistke and Pat hands him/her, and heartily laugh at themselves, that still has at least once per trip, but turned out to be a word of three letters. ) Photo: two hours of the night, somewhere in the middle of Cambodia, far from towns and villages. There was such an air of such stars, such an atmosphere. The main thing was to not over, Benz and Armin in the ears, and more specifically the battery from my old mp-3 Player. These moments-they are meditative-borodinski in Asia here. Road, night, motobike, light wind, and anyone around. You're alone and it's so difficult, or girlfriend khmerka, embracing you from behind in that night, and it's even more difficult. A carpet of stars overhead. And track in your ears like this (I have
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
So, hello to all! Slightly podpropal on mesyatsok. I'm still in the "glorious" Cambodia. It so often happens - man proposes and the universe has. I thought travel to Vietnam through Cambodia purely for rush week. Yeah, well, well. =) A lot of things happened here and there. Hands like a reach, I'll write something and of course share. Well, as always - hundreds of kilometers of dusty roads, Cambodian night bass (a topic for another post, of course, like everything else, as I write this post, overview). There were night blind runs on a motorbike through the fumes, rain and bright stars. Truschёby poorest in the world, again on a motorbike - thankfully was then spirited 125 cc and Syuzuki, some too powerful to be real, especially when accelerating up to the first 60-70 km per hour - do not know what could be there with Rouge it conjured in their greasy these workshops. And the brakes he had any clear right ah. Although pepelats was far from new! So if anything, I probably would have had time to get-away from there. But in general, then killed and bikes to rent something adequate - not easy. In Indonesia and Thailand, especially, it was much easier. And yet the night was Angkor Wat with his girlfriend khmerkoy and a flashlight from a smartphone. Generally Cambodia somehow in a special way it is perceived at night. That night, Cambodia plays on the strings of my soul. A day often frustrating strings of my nervous system. =) Ah .. Well, even the endless Fried Rice and Lock-varnish, which is already a goal. Sometimes the heat, but the Coca-Cola with ice rescues. I hooked something on cola with ice here straight. Well, again - khmerki - they are beautiful, just mortality figures. Lived train with them a little bit. Just wanted to write that there are two motives for which should go to Cambodia - the magnificent Angkor Wat and local women. For the male population, it is implied. Well, no, probably still in Sihanoukville, Cambodia if you want to hole-Anapa to taste the local "flavor". There was also dialogue with our Russian guys, some of the shelter on days in Siem Reap, just pokazazali me to properly place Siem -Ripa and Phnom Penh. Yes .. but I have over the years of wandering himself as a walking trip-advizor some nested function calculator with currency in the head. What else? Well, OK. Probably share. In early July, I got into an accident. No fault of his own, I drive well, sitting down on the motorbike on Koh Samui in early February, so never fell, ugh ugh! At the same time who traveled with me I know about my aggressive driving style and fast. But it's easier and safer. And when trudge 50 kilometers per hour Skra - this is for really scary and I feel worse than the road and maneuvers. Karoche, in a situation of some Khmer me oncoming jumped out of the oncoming truck, but so sharp and straight into my forehead. From head-on I left it all reflexes and a fraction of a second. But still I shorknul it struggled with the bike but still fell. The rates for both were not small. Khmer disappeared, of course. And what's the difference - here by default barang (foreigner) is always wrong in any accident. Well, in general, nothing happened, I did not break anything, was wearing a helmet, and when his head hit, but did not feel anything. This I mean, gentlemen amateurs to ride without helmets that wear here in Southeast Asia still helmets. And do not these plastic helmets - it does not help, and even a helmet that covers the ears. All the affected limb - knees, hands, elbows - all open wounds, the blood in the meat right. Rouge on my motorbike also helped me drop off points for health. Oh, well, you would have seen the medical center in Cambo. Ah Ah. But the doctor, the boy did everything right. Washing yodami, peroxides and one can say otshorkivanie dirt, dust, earth-clay directly on an open bloody wound - oh so many Russian mat Cambodia have not heard! Vkoly even painkillers say. Exactly what they say - it is a word of English. All gestures gestures as often here in Cambo. Well, he told me I double dose of tramadol - still it was painful, infection! The vaccine against tetanus more. In general a little more than a week I was immobilized and was lying in a room in Phnom Penh alone. The first three days even wai faille was not. Only the sound of the fan. Lan, fine - right now, I normally go back and drive a motorbike. No, well, who did not fall out of the farang on bikes in Southeast Asia? About local generally keep quiet. So many accidents seen on the roads. No, after Bali and Sumatra me nothing was terrible. But it seems Cambo surpassed even their irrationality of movement. What else? Do not know in Cambo just everything as it is arranged that more "thrash" I met interpretation except in India. At the same time there are many, many clues, that's just not let go away. And at some point, even I found this country in its fine. Okay, this is otklanivayus. Then, I hope, will be more detailed posts and reports. Be on the alert in Cambo, there are any stains, from a completely foolish and naive to very subtle and tricky so planned that then you just want to worship the speculator / speculator and clapped her hands to him / her and heartily laugh at themselves that Yet at least once per trip, but it turned out to be the word of the three Russian letters. ) In the photo: two in the morning, somewhere in the middle of Cambodia away from towns and villages. Such there was air, such stars, such an atmosphere. The main thing was, that Benz has not ended, and Armin in the ears, or rather the battery of my old mp-3 player. These moments - they are the most meditative kayfovye in Asia here. The road, night, motorbike, light headwind and no one around. You are one, and it is so indescribably or girlfriend khmerka, hold you back in that night, and it's even more powerful experience. The carpet of stars overhead. And the track in the ears, like this (I have

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
So, hello to all! I think подпропал at месяцок. I am still in the "glorious" Cambodia. So often the case - people implies, and universe has. I thought traveling to Viet Nam through Cambodia purely for the bungy happens.Yeah, Mr. President. =) which many here happened and is happening. As well as hands reach, I have something very time consuming and, of course, will tell. Well, as always - hundreds of kilometers dusty roads, the Cambodian night bass (theme a separate post,There is no doubt, as well as all of the writing in this overview blog entry). Have been, and night blind highway at the мотобаике through organization, rains and bright star. The poorest in the world трущебы,Here again, the мотобаике - thank God I had a Ukrainians 125-and Сюзуки arrived, what-it is certainly unrealistic to powerful, especially when accelerating up to first 60-70-km per hour - I don't know,I ibid. , Khmer rouge with him наколдовали these greasy objects in their workshops. And brakes to him were directly s what are clear. Although пепелац was far from being a new! So that, if that, but I wouldn't take away from your feet.But in a whole new friends here killed and rent that the adequate - it is not easy. In Indonesia and the more Thailand, it was where it is easier. Lord and another was a night Angkor Wat with my girlfriend кхмеркои and flashlight from your smartphone.

In Cambodia as the thievery is perceived it is at night. It is not night Cambodia has played on the javelin my soul. A day more often upsets string my nervous system. =) Ahhh.. Mr.,And another endless KFC, Raisa Gorbachev and lok-lucky, from which are simply воротит. Sometimes heat, but coca cola with ice hornsby. Beginning it irritated me that the cola with ice it straight. Mr. President, once again - кхмерки - such they are beautiful, just games for your phone has become confidants.Little strange to begin negotiations with them i think. For example, there are write that there are two motive, for which it is to go to Cambodia - a great Angkor Wat and local women. The male part of the population, it was implied. No,I probably still in Sihanoukville, if you don't want Cambodian hole-besides the taste local "liveliness". It was Lord and communicate with our Russian dudes, who hides behind the part of days in Siem Reap, chiefs,
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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