Скоро вы отправитесь в путешествие вместе с S7 Airlines. Присоединяйтесь к программе S7 Priority, укажите ваш номер участника при регистрации на рейс и этот полёт принесёт вам не только яркие впечатления, но и мили для новых путешествий.
Soon you start your trip with S7 Airlines. Join the S7 Priority program, enter your membership number at check-in and this flight will bring you not only bright impressions but also miles for new journeys.
Soon you go on a journey together with S7 Airlines. Join the program S7 Priority, provide your membership number at check-in, and this flight will bring you not only thrills, but also miles for new journeys.
soon you will travel together with s7 airlines. join the s7 priority program, enter your number to the registration party on the flight and the flight will bring you not only a vivid impressionbut miles for a new travel.