ОТЕЛЬ-ПРОСТО СУПЕР!!!отзыв добавлен 26.05.2014 18:25  1037 просмотровН การแปล - ОТЕЛЬ-ПРОСТО СУПЕР!!!отзыв добавлен 26.05.2014 18:25  1037 просмотровН อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ОТЕЛЬ-ПРОСТО СУПЕР!!!отзыв добавлен

отзыв добавлен 26.05.2014 18:25 1037 просмотров
Не прошло и полугода от моей новогодней поездки в Тай, как Сиамский залив вновь заманил меня к себе :-) вместе с молодым человеком мы впервые доверились воле случая и махнули по системе "fortuna" через оператора "Натали турс" по "горящей" путевке в Паттайю!
Итак сразу об отеле-он прекрасен! Для 3-х звезд он просто прекрасен! Абсолютно новый, со свежей сантехникой, большими по площади номерами, небольшим бассейном, окруженным шезлонгами и прекрасным коллективом!
Персонал хочется особенно отметить-они, во главе с хозяином отеля и его супругой- олицетворение настоящего тайского гостеприимства и радушия. Во время Ваших солнечных ванн около бассейна Вам всегда принесут освежающий бокал воды со льдом, в случае, если потребуется любая помощь-любой из них всегда будет рад помочь Вам, причем не всегда требуется произнести просьбу:в отеле кругом камеры, и когда однажды мы, в поисках более сильного сигнала убежали от бассейна с ноутбуком на котором смотрели кино в холл-потому что там была розетка ибо ноут разрядился, к нам буквально через пару минут подошел мальчик из персонала и позвал обратно, принес удлинитель :-)

Читать полностью на http://www.tophotels.ru/main/viewrate/?id=944393
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
review added 26.05.2014 18:25 1037 views less than a half year
from my Christmas trip to Tai as the Gulf once again lured me to his:-) together with the young man for the first time, we trusted the chance and given a "fortuna" operator "Natalie tours" to "burning" the voucher to Pattaya!
So directly on the hotel-it is beautiful! For 3-star it just beautiful! Brand new, fresh design, large square rooms, a small pool, surrounded by sun loungers and an excellent team of Staff!
want to particularly note-they led by the master and his wife is the embodiment of this Thai hospitality. During your sunbathing around the pool you always bring a refreshing glass of iced water, in case If you need any help-any of them will always be happy to help you, and you don't always need to make a request: at about the camera, and one day when we, in search of a stronger signal, ran away from the swimming pool with the laptop on which watched movies in the Hall because there was a plug for the laptop is dead, to us literally a couple of minutes came a boy from staff and called back, brought the extension reading at

:-) http://www.tophotels.ru/main/viewrate/?id=944393
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
review added 26.05.2014 18:25 1037 views
Barely six months from my Christmas trip to Tai as the Gulf of Siam again lured me in:-), together with the young man for the first time, we trust to chance and waved in "fortuna" through the operator "Natalie Tours" by "burning" a package tour to Pattaya!
So just book-it is beautiful! For 3 stars it is just perfect! Brand new, with fresh fixtures, Larger rooms, a small swimming pool surrounded by sun loungers and a wonderful team!
staff want to especially note-they, headed by the master of the hotel and its personification suprugoy- real Thai hospitality. During your sunbathing near the pool you always bring a refreshing glass of iced water, in case you need any help, any one of them will be happy to help you, and is not always necessary to utter a request: hotel in terms of the camera, and when one day we in search of a stronger signal escaped from the pool with a laptop on which watched a movie in the lounge-because there was a plug for the laptop is dead, we were just a couple of minutes of the staff approached the boy and called back, brought the extension:-) Read more at http: //www.tophotels.ru/main/viewrate/?id=944393

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
The hotel-simply super!!!
feedback is added 05.26.2014 6:25 PM 1037 views
has not passed and six months of my rising travel in Tai, as Siam bay once again заманил me to :-) together with a young man we have for the first time becomes the will of the case-by-case basis and can we take on the "Fortuna" through an agent "Natalie tours" on the "lit" voucher in Pattaya!
so immediately on the hotel-it is wonderful! For the 3-stars he simply beautiful!A totally new, with fresh fixtures, large in size rooms, a small swimming pool, surrounded by sun loungers and a great team!
staff want especially to note-they,The hotel owner and his wife- barefoot this traditional Thai hospitality and cordiality. During your sun bathing near the pool you always bring refreshing glass with ice water, in the event thatIf you need any assistance to any of them will always be happy to help you, and are not always required to say the request:the hotel offers range of cameras, and when one day we,In the search for a more stronger signal had run away from the pool with a laptop on which watched movies in the lounge area, because that's where the electrical outlet for laptop, hibernateThe us literally after a couple of minutes approached the boy from staff and then he called back, he brought extension : - )lord read completely the http://www.tоphоtels.ru/mаin/viewrаte/?id=944393
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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