Алексей, вопрос по контракту: - для детей 0-3,99 и 4-9,99 есть скидки на питание, или они питаются по цене взрослых? - дети 0-3,99 гала ужин бесплатно или 2500THB?
Alexei, a question on the contract:-for children 0-3, 99 and 4-9, 99 have discounts on food, or they eat costs adults?-children 0-3, 99 gala dinner for free or 2500THB?
Alex, the question of the contract: - for children 0-3,99 4-9,99 and there are discounts for food, or they eat for the price of adult? - Children 0-3,99 gala dinner for free or 2500THB?
Alexei, the question for the contract: - for children 0-3,99 and -9,99 4there are discounts on food, or they can eat at a price adults? - children 0-3,99 gala dinner night or 2500THB?