экстракты натуральных фруктов, AHA проникает в кожу и способствуют регенерации, мягко и постепенно удаляет сухие, мертвые клетки наружного слоя клеток кожи, которые скучно на поверхности кожи, для удаления верхнего слоя клеток, здоровой клетки выходят на поверхность, улучшение текстуры кожи. Глутатион осветлить кожу и держать ваш свечения кожи. Это поможет облегчить меланомы, пятна и веснушки на лице эпидермиса клетки.
natural fruit extracts, AHA penetrates the skin and contribute to regeneration, gently and gradually removes dry, dead cells of the outer layer of skin cells that dull the surface of the skin to remove the top layer of cells, healthy cells come to the surface, improved skin texture. Glutathione lighten skin and keep your skin glow. This will help facilitate the melanoma, spots and freckles on the face of the epidermis cells.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
natural fruit extracts, AHA penetrates the skin and promote regeneration, gently and gradually removes dry, dead cells of the outer layer of skin cells, which are bored on the surface of the skin, to remove the top layer of cells, healthy cells appear on the surface, improving skin texture. Glutathione lighten the skin and keep your skin glow. This will help ease the melanoma spots and freckles on the face of the epidermal cells.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
Natural fruit extracts, AHA penetrates deep into the skin and contribute to regeneration, gently and gradually removes dry, dead cells outer layer skin cells that dull on the surface of the skin,To remove the upper layer cells, healthy cells are to the surface, improving skin texture. Глутатион lighten your skin and keep your skin off. This will help to facilitate melanoma,Spot and pigmented spots on the face epidermis cells.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..