У нас у русских любовь это очень сильное и очень глубокое чувство в душе, если человек нравится то просто говорим ты мне нравишься а вот если много чувств которые соединяют с этим человеком как внешне так и внутри к этому человеку то тогда это любовь
We Russians love is very strong and very deep feeling in the soul, if people like it then just say I like you but if many feelings that connect with this person both externally and internally for this person then it's love
We have Russian love is very strong and very deep feeling in my heart when people like what you just say I like but if a lot of feelings that connect with that person both externally and internally to the man then is love
we russians love is very strong and very deep feeling.if people like to just say i like you, but if a lot of feelings which connect with that person as outside and inside, the person, that is love.