Спасиб всем! Главное, что в Пермь едешь от всей души! Не думаю, что люди издалека просто так поехали бы другой город , отмахав такое расстояние на поезде). На мой взгляд , это особенная выставка.
Thank you to all! The main thing is that the Perm you heartily! Don't think people from far away just like that would be traveling to another city, otmahav is the distance by train). In my opinion, this is a special exhibition.
Thank you all! The main thing is that you go to Perm heartily! I do not think that people from far away just went to another city, had covered a distance by train). In my opinion, this is a special exhibition.
Спасиб all! The main, that the Perm billboards from the soul! I don't think that people from afar just so went to another city , отмахав such a distance by train). In my view, this is a special exhibition.