Since the II Item instruction is only suitable for M1 Note, since ID on all models is certainly different and in a different section than like M1 Note (mmcblk0p1), which should be the same in another edit. Learn information about it in the respective topics with your phone model! And here is the guide for the Note M1:
I. Preparation
1) Get the right ROOT
2) Download and install the program SuperSu (, open, update binary
3) Put the Android Terminal Emulator ( )
4) Enable debugging of USB
II. Creating a backup file proinfo
1) Run Android Terminal Emulator, enter "su" (without the quotation marks), press Enter, give Root access.
2) Next, type:
"dd if = / dev / block / mmcblk0p1 of = / sdcard / proinfo.img "(without the quotes)
III. Editing proinfo.img
1) Take proinfo.img file from the root of flash memory and make a copy (just in case)
2) Open the original in any HEX editor such as Hex Editor for Android (
3 ) Open the Hex Editor, we press on the gear, put a tick, giving Root access program.
4) Next, we press on the magnifying glass, put points on the ASCII, are driven into the search box 463, we press OK.
5) Find the line with a combination of 46,311,401, have 4 number from 1 to 5 (poke 31 is changed to 35) and save the file (we press on floppy disk) should be able to 46,351,401
IV. Vosstanavleniju proinfo.img
1) Run Android Terminal Emulator, enter "su" (without the quotation marks)
2) Now enter:
"dd if = / sdcard / proinfo.img of = / dev / block / mmcblk0p1" (without the quotes)
3) Will write that the file has been successfully moved. All you can flash on I normally (firmware
4) Profit!
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