Наша следующая героиня утверждает: когда мы что—то даём,  взамен получ การแปล - Наша следующая героиня утверждает: когда мы что—то даём,  взамен получ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Наша следующая героиня утверждает:

Наша следующая героиня утверждает: когда мы что—то даём,  взамен получаем в два раза больше. Авигаиль почти всё время проводит,  разрабатывая проекты в области неформального образования, при этом успешно совмещает работу с семейной жизнью.
—Авигаиль, когда ты впервые столкнулась со своим еврейством?
-Последним человеком в нашей семье, соблюдающим традиции, была моя прапрапрабабушка. Я жила с родителями в Астрахани и никогда не знала о том, что немного отличаюсь от своих одноклассников и принадлежу к народу со своей особенной историей. Однажды, совершенно случайно,  бабушка и тётя сказали, что нам вот так «повезло»: мы евреи, и предложили провести лето в детском лагерь «Ган Исроэль» в Ростове-на-Дону, где я впервые познакомилась с иудаизмом. В лагерь я ездила два года подряд с одиннадцати лет, окунаясь при этом в еврейство, культуру и традиции. Но, по возвращении домой, жизнь снова  продолжала идти своим  чередом. Единственным человеком, хоть как-то связывающим меня с еврейством, оставалась моя мадриха (вожатая). Ближе к окончанию школы она написала мне про женский еврейский институт Махон ХаМеШ, который закончила сама. Я подумала: «почему бы и не попробовать?».
—Как родители отнеслись к твоему решению?
-Маму я шокировала идеей уехать в Махон, она не сразу согласилась на это. Тогда об институте мало кто слышал: отсутствовали семинары для старшеклассниц, где девочки с родителями могут познакомиться с преподавателями и увидеть студенческую жизнь изнутри. В маминых глазах  этот институт  выглядел непонятным и непрестижным ВУЗом, она боялась отпустить своего ребёнка в чужой город, да ещё и к «бородатым дядькам». Я приехала на экзамен со своей тетей, успешно сдала все нужные тесты и вернулась домой. Уже дома тетя помогла уговорить маму, и они дали мне возможность сделать первый шаг в самостоятельную жизнь.
Я закончила факультет рекламы с красным дипломом. Учебный процесс в институте выстроен так, что каждая девушка, при желании, может реализовываться, воплощая в жизнь свои проекты, а преподаватели всегда прислушиваются к студенткам, поддерживают их. Так, например, с Яэль Любарской мы два года подряд делали еврейский фестиваль рекламы на базе института.
—А что касается религиозной составляющей?
-Первую длинную юбку в своей жизни я купила специально для экзамена, Уезжая учиться, я рассуждала так: университет даст мне образование, еду и крышу над головой, а я в свою очередь буду соблюдать определённые правила – цниют, кашрут и не буду публично нарушать Шабат.  Тогда я и предположить не могла, что спустя 6 лет буду соблюдающей  девушкой, да еще и  замужем за религиозным мужчиной. Меня постепенно затянуло. Во-первых, мне сразу понравилось, что у евреев своя история, законы. Во-вторых, хороший пример подавали красивые соблюдающие семьи вокруг. Постепенно углубляясь в иудаизм, я понимала, что религиозная жизнь –  не что-то страшное, лишённое вкусной еды, красивой одежды и других удовольствий, как многие думают. Иудаизм объяснил мне многие вещи, ответил на вопросы. Сейчас я не представляю свою жизнь как-то иначе.
—Еврейское имя ты тоже выбирала сама?
-Я не самый лучший пример того, как надо выбирать еврейское имя. Вернувшись из «Ган Исроэля» в Астрахань, я какое-то время ходила в воскресную еврейскую школу. Там нам предложили взять себе еврейские имена. Тогда я не понимала, что к выбору  надо подходить ответственно. В школе нам просто выдали списки имён. Я посмотрела на первую страницу, с трудом прочитала имя Авигаиль и решила, что этого достаточно. Говорят, что когда человек называет ребёнка или берёт имя, Всевышний делает ему маленькое пророчество. И, если бы я выбирала имя сейчас, я бы всё равно, наверное, взяла Авигаиль.
—Как ты начала работать в “JeWeLl club”?
-О неформальном образовании я могу говорить не переставая, это тема для отдельного разговора!  Я не могу долго сидеть на одном месте. На первом курсе учёбы я начала работать в воскресном детском клубе «Римон» в МЕОЦе. Под конец года я прошла отбор на мадрихов в «Ган Исроэль» и провела там 3 лета подряд.
Параллельно заканчивала  курсы мадрихов «Авив» от организации «Эзра», где ребята учатся быть лидерами в своих общинах, местах работы и городах, там же  получила возможность возить с 21 года группы на программу «Таглит» в Израиль.
На втором курсе работала мадрихой в Махоне, но мне хотелось чего-то большего. Я переживала, что не смогу найти работу своей мечты: учебный процесс в институте занимает время с утра до вечера, а я грезила о чём-нибудь креативном, но,в  то же время, еврейском. И вот, совершенно неожиданно мне позвонил Михоэль Ставропольский, о котором до этого я ничего не слышала. Он сказал, что ему меня посоветовали , и пригласил на собеседование. Я пришла, не подозревая о том, что он предложит. Михоэль рассказал о гигантском проекте, пока что находившемся только в его голове – «Jewell Club», площадке для развития еврейской молодёжи. Я, не раздумывая, согласилась. Так мы начали совместную деятельность.
Мы ютились в маленьком сыром кабинете в старом здании ФЕОРа. Всё, что имели: два компьютера и кучу идей. Потом нам пришлось работать по вечерам в офисе «Бейт-ХаБаДа», когда его освобождали хозяева. Но ничто не могло помешать нам делать проекты и мероприятия. Со временем нам подарили 7 этаж,  где мы работаем до сих пор,  и чему  очень рады и искренне благодарны. Тогда «Jewell club» начал ещё более активную жизнь. С каждым годом здесь собирается всё больше молодёжи, постоянно приходят новые люди. Хороший показатель – проект «Eurostars». Если  в прошлом году на занятия ходило 150 челов
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Our next heroine claims: when we give something in return get twice as much. As Abigail almost everything is developing projects in the field of non-formal education, while successfully combines work with family life. — As Abigail, when you first encountered his Jew? -The last person in our family to observe traditions, was my prapraprababuška. I lived with my parents in Astrakhan and never knew that a little different from their classmates and belong to the people with their own unique history. Once, quite by accident, my grandmother and aunt said that we here are so "lucky": we are Jews, and offered to spend the summer in the children's camp "Gan Isroèl′" in Rostov-on-Don, where I first got acquainted with Judaism. In camp I went two years with eleven, while dipping to Judaism, culture and traditions. But upon returning home, life continued to run their course. The only person, somehow connecting me with the Jew remained my madriha (chaperone). Toward the end of the school she wrote me about female Jewish Institute Machon Hamesh, who graduated from itself. I thought, ' why not try? ". — How parents reacted to your decision? -Mom, I shocked the idea go to Mahon, she didn't immediately agreed to this. Then a few people have heard about the Institute: there were no workshops for high, where girls with parents to meet with teachers and see student life from the inside out. In my mother's eyes this institution looked confusing and less prestigious University, she was afraid to let go of your child in a foreign city and to "bearded uncles." I came for an exam with her aunt, successfully passed all the necessary tests and returned home. Already at home aunt helped persuade mom and they gave me the opportunity to take the first step in a life. I graduated with honors advertising. The educational process at the Institute is built so that every girl can, if desired, be implemented, embodying their projects, and teachers always listen to students, support them. So, for example, Yael Lûbarskoj we for two consecutive years did Jewish Advertising Festival at the Institute. -As regards religious component? The first long skirt in my life I bought specially for the exam, leaving to study, I had reasoned thus: give me a university education, food and a roof over my head, and I in turn will abide by certain rules-cniût, kosher and will not publicly violate Shabbat. Then I suppose that couldn't later 6 years will be adherent to the girl and married to a religious man. I gradually tightened. Firstly, I immediately liked that Jews have their own history, laws. Secondly, a good example was served pretty observant families around. Gradually venturing into Judaism, I understood that religious life is not something terrible, devoid of delicious food, beautiful clothes and other pleasures, as many think. Judaism explained to me many things, answered questions. Now I can't imagine my life otherwise. — The Hebrew name you chose? -I'm not the best example of how to choose a Hebrew name. Returning from "Gan Isroèlâ" in Astrakhan, a while I went to the Sunday Jewish school. There we were asked to take Jewish names. Then I don't understand what the choice should be approached responsibly. At school we just issued lists of names. I looked at the first page, with difficulty read name as Abigail and decided that that's enough. It is said that when a person calls the child or takes the name of the Almighty makes him a little prophecy. And, if I chose the name now, I'd still probably took as Abigail. How did you start working at "JeWeLl club"? -On non-formal education I can talk without ceasing, that's a topic for another discussion! I can't sit in one place for a long time. A freshman studying I started to work in the children's Club "Rimon" in MEOCe. At the end of the year I qualify for madrihov in "Gan Isroèl′" and held there 3 summers in a row. Check out madrihov courses in parallel "Aviv" by Ezra ", where the boys learn to be leaders in their communities, jobs and cities, there was opportunity to romp with 21 years on the program group" Taglit "in Israel. On the second course worked madrihoj in Mahone, but I wanted something more. I worried that I won't be able to find your dream job: the educational process at the Institute takes time from morning till evening, and I grezila about anything creative, but at the same time, Jewish. And now, all of a sudden I got a call from Mihoèl′ Stavropol, which until then I heard nothing. He said he advised me, and invited for an interview. I came, not knowing that he would propose. Mihoèl′ spoke about the huge project so far was only in his head-"Jewell Club", a platform for the development of the Jewish youth. I do not hesitate, concurred. So we started to work together. We huddled in a small office at the old building of the cheese FEORa. Everything had: two computers and a bunch of ideas. Then we had to work in the evenings in the Office "Beit Chabad" when its released. But nothing could stop us doing projects and activities. Over time we have presented 7 floor where we work so far, and so very pleased and sincerely grateful. Then, "Jewell club began more active life. Every year here is going to more and more young people constantly come up with new people. A good indicator of Eurostars project. If last year classes there were 150 people
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Our next character says, when we have something to give, instead we get twice as much. Abigail spends almost all the time, developing projects in the field of non-formal education, thus successfully combining work and family life. -Avigail When you first faced with his Jewishness? -Update Person in our family to tradition, was my prapraprababushka. I lived with my parents in Astrakhan and never knew that a little different from their classmates and belong to the people with its special history. One day, quite by accident, grandmother and aunt told us that's how "lucky" we Jews, and offered to spend the summer in a children's camp "Gan Yisroel" in Rostov-on-Don, where I first became acquainted with Judaism. I went to the camp for two consecutive years to eleven years, plunging at the same time a Jew, culture and traditions. However, upon returning home, life again continued to take its course. The only person who somehow connects me to Judaism, remained my madrichim (counselors). Toward the end of high school, she wrote to me about the Jewish Women's Institute of Mahon Hamesh, who finished itself. I thought, "why not try it?". How did the parents react to your decision? Mum I'm shocked at the idea of leaving Mahon, she immediately agreed to it. Then about the institute, few have heard: there were no workshops for senior pupils, where girls with parents to meet the teachers and see the student life from the inside. In my mother's eyes, this institution seemed incomprehensible and non-prestigious institution of higher education, she was afraid to let go of their child in a strange city, and even to the "bearded guy". I have come to the exam with her ​​aunt, she has successfully passed all the required tests, and returned home. At home my aunt helped to persuade the mother, and they gave me the opportunity to make the first step into an independent life. I graduated in advertising with honors. The educational process at the institute was built so that every girl, if desired, can be realized by giving a helping their projects, and teachers are always listening to the female students, supporting them. For example, with Yael Lyubarskaya we did two years the Jewish festival of advertising on the basis of the institute. -A Regards religious component? -First Long skirt in my life I bought specifically for the exam, leaving to study, I reasoned like this: give me a University education , food and a roof over his head, and I in turn will comply with certain rules - tsniyut, kosher and will not publicly violate the Sabbath. Then I could not assume that after 6 years I will observe a girl, and even married to a religious man. I gradually tightened. Firstly, I immediately liked that Jews own history, laws. Second, a good example was served pretty observant family around. Gradually venturing into Judaism, I realized that religious life - not something terrible, devoid of delicious food, beautiful clothes, and other treats, as many think. Judaism told me many things, answered questions. Now I can not imagine my life any other way. -Evreyskoe Name she chose you, too? I'm not the best example of how to choose a Hebrew name. Returning from "Gan Yisroel" in Astrakhan, I have some time went to a Jewish Sunday school. There we were asked to take a Jewish name. Then I did not understand that the choice should be approached responsibly. In school, we were given a list of names. I looked at the first page, with the trouble to read the name of Abigail and decided that this is enough. It is said that when a person takes a child or called a name, the Most High does him little prophecy. And if I had to choose a name now, I would still probably took Abigail. How did you start working in "JeWeLl club"? Oh informal education, I can say without ceasing, this is a topic for another discussion! I can not sit long in one place. In the first year of study I started working in the Sunday children's club "Rimon" in MEOTse. At the end of the year, I was selected to madrichim in "Gan Yisroel" and spent three summers in a row. In parallel finished courses madrichim "Aviv" from the organization "Ezra", where children learn to be leaders in their communities, workplaces and cities, there had the ability to carry 21 years in the program group "birthright" to Israel. In his second year working madrichim in Mahon, but I wanted something more. I was worried that I could not find my dream job: educational process at the institute takes time from morning till night, and I dreamed about something creative, but at the same time, Jewish. And now, quite unexpectedly called me Mihoel Stavropol, which until then I did not hear anything. He said that he advised me, and invited for an interview. I came, not knowing that he will propose. Mihoel told about the huge project so far is only in his head - «Jewell Club», the site for the development of Jewish youth. I, without hesitation, agreed. So we started to work together. We lived in a small cheese in the old office building FJC. All that had: two computers and a bunch of ideas. Then we had to work at night in the office 'Beit Chabad' when he was released home. But nothing could stop us from doing projects and activities. Over time, we were presented with 7 floor, where we are working so far, and what are very pleased and very grateful. Then «Jewell club» began an even more active life. Every year there is going to more and more young people are constantly new people. A good indicator - the project «Eurostars». If last year's class there were a 150 chelov













การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
our next character says: when we do something,   in return get twice as much. авигаиль almost spends the whole time,   developing projects in the field of non formal educationit successfully combines work with family life.  
авигаиль when you first met your еврейством?  

- the last person in the family keep the tradition, was my прапрапрабабушка.i lived with my parents in astrakhan and never knew a little different from their classmates and i belong to the people with its unique history. one day, by chance,   grandma and aunt said,we like this "повезло»: jews and invited to spend the summer in the children's camp" kang исроэль» in rostov on don, where i first met with judaism. in the camp i went two years in a row from eleven yearsокунаясь in jewry, culture and traditions. but, back home, life снова  continued to go своим  course. the only person ever to еврейством binds me.be my мадриха (camp counselor). closer to the end of school, she wrote to me about the jewish institute хамеш river mahon, who finished it. i thought, "why not try? " 
how parents feel about your decision?

-   mom i shocked the idea to leave the river mahon, she did not immediately agree to it. then on the few who heard no seminars for high school.where are the girls parents can meet with teachers and see college life from the inside out. in my глазах  this институт  seemed incoherent and непрестижным higher education institution in.she was afraid to let go of your child in a strange city, and the "bearded дядькам». i came to the bar with his aunt, successfully passed all the tests and went back home. home aunt helped persuade motherand they gave me the opportunity to take the first step in an independent life.  

i graduated from department of advertising with honors. the learning process in the institute is built so that each girl, wishit can be realized by translating in their projects, and teachers always listen to students, support them. so, for example,behind любарской we two years in a row was the jewish festival of advertising on the basis of the institute  .

- and as a religious component.

-   first long skirt in my life, i bought specifically for the examwhen i left school, i has thought that the university will give me education, food, a roof over your head, and i in turn will adhere to certain rules is цниют, kashrut and will not publicly to violate the shabbat.  then i guess could not, after six years will соблюдающей  girl, still и  married a religious man. i gradually close. first of all, i just liked that jews have a history, laws.secondly, the good example set by the beautiful family around. gradually going into judaism, i realized that the religious life –  not something terrible devoid of tasty foodbeautiful clothes and other pleasures, as many people think. judaism told me many things, answer the questions. now i can't imagine my life as something different.  

- a jewish name you choose for yourself?  

- i'm not the best example of how to choose a jewish name. by the "gang исроэля» in astrakhan, i some time go to sunday hebrew school. there we have to keep the jewish names.i don't know what to выбору  should be responsible. in school we got lists of names. i looked at the front page, it's hard to read the name of авигаиль and decided that was enough. they saywhen a person calls a baby or takes the name, and makes him a prophecy. and if i chose the name now, i would still probably took авигаиль.
- since you started working in the "JeWeLl club"?  

- informal education i can talk all the time, that is a subject for a separate conversation.   i can't sit in one place. in the first year of college, i started working in sunday's child club "rimon" in меоце.in the end, i qualified for the мадрихов "kang исроэль» and spent three summers in a row.

  parallel заканчивала  courses мадрихов" aviv "from the" эзра», where kids learn to be leaders in their communities.work places and cities, there же  was able to drive the 21 group at the таглит» in israel.

  sophomore worked мадрихой in махоне, but i wanted something more. i was worriedi can't find your dream job: learning in the institute takes time from morning to night, i dreamed about something креативном, but в  the same time, the jewish. and here,all of a sudden, i called михоэль stavropol, which until then i didn't hear anything. he said that he called me, and invited me to the interview. i had no idea that he would.михоэль told about a giant project, as an only in his head, "Jewell by, the development of the jewish youth. i did not hesitate to agree. so we started work  
we crammed in a small office in the old building феора cheese. everything have two computers and a lot of ideas. then we had to work at night in the office "beit хабада» when it released masters.but nothing could stop us from doing projects and activities. eventually we got 7 floor,   where we work so far,   and чему  very welcome and sincerely grateful. then the Jewell club "began a more active life.every year there's more and more young people, constantly new people are coming. a good indicator is the Eurostars». если  last year classes was 150 челов
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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