Алексей, нет решения.У меня не было возможности контактировать с Алекс การแปล - Алексей, нет решения.У меня не было возможности контактировать с Алекс อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Алексей, нет решения.У меня не было

Алексей, нет решения.
У меня не было возможности контактировать с Александром.


27.07.2015 12:35, Alex Markov пишет:
> Добрый день Ирина.
> Есть ли решение по данному вопросу?
> Алексей, здравствуйте!
> Мы с вами ведем переписку достаточно долго. Все это время, в своих письмах я постоянно вам писала, что для формирования туристических пакетов нам необходимы ценовые предложения на трансферы, без них пакеты не могут быть сформированы. В самом начале нашего с вами диалога, я уточнила по трансферам - вы ответили, что они будут платные, и именно поэтому я постоянно делала акцент, что нужны цены на трансфер, чтобы можно было вывешивать пакеты на сайт. Это означает ровно то, что цены будут наполнять пакеты (являться составляющей) и никак по-другому. Более того, наш тарификатор Игорь Салтыков в своих письмах на этом тоже делал акцент.
> Я не владею информацией о том, как выстроены взаимоотношения между руководством компании Библио-Глобус и вами (офисом в Таиланде): ни в юридическом ключе, ни в финансовых отношениях, ни в плане отчетности. Это не моя компетенция, равно как и "поставить ноль" за платную услугу. Запрашивая ценовое приложение - я воспринимаю его именно как ценовое приложение, необходимое для работы.
> Насколько я понимаю из вашего письма договоренности (соглашения) по этому поводу (трансфер) между вами и Александром не существует. Т.к. решение об обнулении и/или уменьшении стоимости может принимать только он, я доведу до него информацию, его решение сообщу.
> Ирина
> 23.07.2015 13:18, Alex Markov пишет:
>> Добрый день Ирина.
>> Все цены в таблице за индивидуальные трансферы действительны и на групповые. Это рыночные цены, взятые у транспортных компаний, которые мы надеемся уменьшить с помощью аренды транспорта в высокий сезон. Отчетность с БГ будет вестись именно по ценам за транспортную единицу, так как мы - это БГ и все расходы и доходы имеют прямое отношение к БГ, на данный момент доходов нет, то есть неоткуда брать ресурсы для удешевления пакетов.
>> Поэтому стороной БГ Москва цены можно поставить любые, даже равные нулю, учитывая, что с транспортными компаниями расчеты будут по высланной таблице именно за транспортную единицу.
>> Итоговая стоимость за транспорт на человека будет меняться в зависимости от количества отелей на прилете и на отлете.
>> Прошу сформулировать оптимальную стратегию в части цен на трансферы и нашего запуска на рынке с учетом вышесказанного.
>> 2015-07-22 20:41 GMT+03:00 i.korolkova@bgoperator.com :
>> Алексей, здравствуйте!
>> Трансферы занесли и начали заносить контракты.
>> Сейчас на сайт будут появляться цены и Nacha Planeta и Sayama. Уже занесены отели Camelot и Caesar Palace. Но учитывая, что у вас очень дорогие групповые трансферы (425 на человека в одну сторону, что в сумме на стандартный пакет для двоих дает 1700 бат = 57 долларов), то "привлекательными" пакетами для агентов скорее будут пакеты Саяма.
>> Ирина
>> 22.07.2015 19:59, Alex Markov пишет:
>>> Здравствуйте, Ирина
>>> Прошу уточнить, достаточно ли на данный момент информации о трансферах для занесения в систему и начала бронирования туров?
>>> Спасибо
>>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015, Alex Markov wrote:
>>> 2015-07-21 15:24 GMT+07:00 Tarif Thai :
>>> Здравствуйте, Алексей! Хотелось бы обратить ваше внимание на существенный момент касательно групповых трансферов (да и индивидуальных). В файле, на некоторых направлениях у Вас стоит доплата в зависимости от времени (например с 20:00 до 06:00 на трансфер из аэропорта Пхукета доплата 200 бат). Обращаем ваше внимание, что мы не сможем отслеживать во сколько туристы прибывают в аэропорт или уезжают из отеля, мы не можем отобразить это в нашей системе. Поэтому мы просим Вас прислать нам конечную стоимость за трансфер без учета доплат, которые зависят от конкретного времени. Это же касается и индивидуальных трансферов.
>>> Пришлите пожалуйста окончательный вариант групповых и индивидуальных трансферов от Nacha Travel. (Вы можете сделать так же как у Sayama например, я имею ввиду формат, с которым мы уже работали и который нам удобен для занесения в систему). Без трансферов мы не можем по-прежнему заносить контракты от Nacha Travel на новый сезон.
>>> Спасибо
>>> 20.07.2015 19:17, i.korolkova@bgoperator.com пишет:
>>>> Игорь, посмотрите - новый вариант. Жду ваших комментариев.
>>>> Ирина
>>>> -------- Перенаправленное сообщение --------
>>>> Тема: Re: Начало работы/ Трансферы/ партнер Nacha Travel
>>>> Дата: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 23:13:53 +0700
>>>> От: Alex Markov
>>>> Кому: i.korolkova@bgoperator.com
>>>> Добрый вечер, Ирина!
>>>> В приложенном файле цены на человека на групповые трансферы, включая сопровождение.
>>>> Сообщите, пожалуйста, подходит ли такой формат для занесения в систему, если это возможно, сегодня-завтра.
>>>> Спасибо.
>>>> 2015-07-20 17:33 GMT+07:00 i.korolkova@bgoperator.com :
>>>> Алексей, здравствуйте!
>>>> Насколько я понимаю, начать работу мы пока не можем. Я пересылаю вам еще раз письмо, которое вам отправлял Игорь ( наш тарификатор). Есть сложности с занесением трансферов, а как я неоднократно вам писала ранее, без групповых трансферов невозможно формировать пакет. Ответьте, пож-та, на письмо Игоря. Как только тарификаторы занесут трансферную сетку, приступят к занесению контрактов.
>>>> Ирина
>>>> 16.07.2015 13:32, Tarif Thai пишет:
>>>>> Здравствуйте, Александр! Ниже письмо, которое я отправил Ирине касательно групповых трансферов. Почитайте пожалуйста, с индивидуальными все в порядке и тот формат, который Вы присла
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Alex, no solution.I have not had the opportunity to contact with Alexander.Irina27.07.2015 12:35, Alex Markov wrote:>> Hello Irina.> Is there any solution for this matter?> Alex, Hello!>> We are engaged in a correspondence with you long enough. All this time, I am constantly in my letters you wrote that for the formation of the travel packages we need price offers on transfers, without these packages cannot be formed. At the very beginning of our dialogue, I clarified the squad-you answered that they would be paid, and that's why I keep emphasis that need transfer prices, so that you can hang out on the packages site. This means exactly what the prices will be fill bags (be component) and no differently. Moreover, our service provider Department Manager: Igor Saltykov in his letters on this, too, did the focus.>> I do not have information about how relationships are built between company management Biblio-Globus and you (based in Thailand): neither legal nor key in financial relations, either in terms of reporting. This is not my expertise, as well as "put zero" for the paid service. When requesting a price application-I see it as the price needed for this application.>> As far as I understand from your letter agreement (the agreement) about this (transfer) between you and Alexander does not exist. Since the decision about zeroing and/or reduction in value may only receive it, I shall write to him, his decision will report.>> Irina>>> 23.07.2015 13:18, Alex Markov wrote:>> Hello Irina.>> all prices in table for individual transfers valid for group. This market prices taken from transport companies, which we hope to reduce using transport rental in high season. BG will be reporting precisely on prices for transport unit, as the BG and we are all costs and revenues are directly related to BG, at the moment there is no income, there is nowhere to take resources to cheaper packages.>> Therefore side BG Moscow prices can put any, even to zero, given that with transport companies calculations will send table for transport unit.>> total cost for transportation per person will vary depending on the number of hotels on arrival and on departure. >> Ask to formulate the optimal strategy in part prices for transfers and our launch on the market in the light of the foregoing.>>>> 7/22/2015 20:41: +03 i.korolkova@bgoperator.com 0000 GMT :>>Alexey >>, Hello!>> Transfers entered and began to record contracts.>> now on the site prices will appear and Nacha Planeta and Sayama. Already the Camelot hotels and Caesar Palace. But considering that you have a very expensive group transfers (425 per person one way, that amount on standard double Pack gives 1700 THB = 57 dollars), "attractive" packages for agents likely packages Sayama.>>>> Irina>>>>>> 22.07.2015 19:59, Alex Markov wrote:>>> Hello, Irina>>> Ask to clarify whether there is enough information at the moment about transfers to log-in and start booking your tours? >>> Thanks>>>>>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015, Alex Markov wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>> 7/21/2015 15:24 GMT +07:0000 Tarif Thai :>>>>>> Hello, Alex! I would like to draw your attention to an important point about group transfers (and individual). In the file, in some areas you have a supplement depending on time (for example from 20:00 to 06:00 to transfer from Phuket Airport supplement 200 baht). Please note that we will not be able to track how many tourists arrive to the airport or leaving the hotel, we can't show it in our system. Therefore, we ask you to send us the final cost per transfer without regard to surcharges that are dependent on a particular time. The same applies to individual transfers.>>>>>> please Send the final version of group and individual transfers from Nacha. (You can do the same as the Sayama for example format, I mean, we've already worked and which is suitable for inclusion in the system). Without transfers, we cannot continue to enter contracts from Nacha Travel for the new season.>>>>>> Thanks>>>>>> 20.07.2015 19:17, i.korolkova@bgoperator.com wrote:>>>>>>>>>>>> Igor, look-a new variant. I await your comments.>>>>>>>> Irina>>>> — — — — — — —-forwarded message — — —->>>> subject: Re: getting started/transfers/Nacha partner Travel>>>> date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 23:13:53 +0700>>>> from: Alex Markov >>>> to: i.korolkova@bgoperator.com >>>>>>>>>>>> good evening, Irina!in the attached file >>>> prices per person for group transfers, including maintenance.>>>>>>>> please, does such a format for entry into the system, if possible, today and tomorrow.>>>>>>>> Thanks.>>>>>>>> 7/20/2015 17:33: +07 i.korolkova@bgoperator.com 0000 GMT :>>>>Alexey >>>>, Hello!>>>>>>>> as far as I understand, start work, we cannot yet. I mail you once again the letter which you sent Igor (our calls browser ...). There are difficulties with entering transfers, and as I have you wrote earlier, without the group transfers cannot generate the package. Answer, BTW-the letter from Igor. Once tarifikatory later transfer grid will start recording contracts.>>>>>>>> Irina>>>>>>>> 16.07.2015 13:32, Tarif Thai says:>>>>> Hello, Alexander! Below is a letter that I sent to Irina about group transfers. Read please, with individual and the format that you sent him
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

Alex, there is no solution.
I have not had the opportunity to contact with Alexander. Irina 27.07.2015 12:35, Alex Markov wrote: > > Hello Irina. > Is there a solution for this issue? > Alex, hello! > > We are We carry a conversation a long time. All this time, in my letters I ever wrote to you that for the formation of travel packages, we need quotation for the transfers, without the packages can not be formed. At the very beginning of our dialogue with you, I will clarify for transfer - you said that they will pay, and that's why I keep doing the emphasis that we need the price of a transfer, so that you can hang bags on the site. It means exactly what prices will be filled packages (be part of), and no other way. Moreover, our rate calculator Igor Saltykov in his letters on this, too, did the emphasis. > > I do not have information on how to build a relationship between the company Biblio-Globus and you (based in Thailand) or in a legal manner, any financial relationship, either in terms of reporting. It's not my competence, as well as "put zero" for the paid service. When requesting a price app - I see it as an application price, you need to work. > > As far as I understand from your letter agreement (the Agreement) on the occasion of (transfer) between you and Alexander does not exist. Since the decision to abolish and / or reducing the cost can only take it, I will bring to it the information, I will inform his decision. > > Irina > > > 07/23/2015 13:18, Alex Markov wrote: >> Hello Irina. >> All prices Table for individual transfers and are valid on group. This market prices taken from the transport companies, we hope to reduce the rent by means of transport in the high season. Reporting to the BG will be conducted at prices just for the transport unit, as we - a BG and all costs and revenues are directly related to BG, at the moment there is no income, that is, there is no place to take the resources to cheaper packages. >> So party BG Moscow You can put any price, even zero, given that the calculations with the transport companies will table was expelled for the transport unit. >> The total cost of transport per person will vary depending on the number of hotels on arrival and departure. Please formulate >> the optimal strategy in terms of the price of transfers and our launch on the market in view of the foregoing. >> >> 22/7/2015 8:41 p.m. GMT + 03: 00 i.korolkova@bgoperator.com

>> Alex, hello!
>> Transfers brought and began to enter contracts.
>> Now the site will appear and prices Nacha Planeta and Sayama. Already listed hotels Camelot and Caesar Palace. But given that you have a very expensive group transfers (425 per person one way, for a total in the standard package for two gives 1700 baht = $ 57), the "attractive" package for agents would rather Sayama packages.
>> Irina
>> 22/7/2015 7:59 p.m., Alex Markov wrote:
>>> Hello, Irina
>>> Please clarify whether there is enough information at this time of the transfer for inclusion in the system and start booking tours?
>>> Thanks
>>> On Tuesday, July 21, 2015, Alex Markovwrote:
>>> 07.21.2015 3:24 p.m. GMT + 07: 00 Tarif Thai:
>>> Hi, Alex! I would like to draw your attention to an important point regarding the group of transfers (and individual). The file, in some areas you should supplement depending on the time (eg from 20:00 to 06:00 at the Phuket airport transfer surcharge of 200 baht). Please note that we can not keep track of how many visitors arrive at the airport or leaving the hotel, we can not display it in our system. Therefore, we ask that you send us the final cost of the transfer without additional payments that depend on the particular time. The same applies to the individual transfers.
>>> Please Send the final version of group and individual transfers of Nacha Travel. (You can do the same as in Sayama example, I mean the format with which we have worked, and which is useful to us to put in the system). Without the transfers, we can not continue to enter contracts by Nacha Travel for the new season.
>>> Thanks
>>> 20/7/2015 7:17 p.m., i.korolkova@bgoperator.com wrote:
>>>> Igor, look - a new version. I await your comments.
>>>> Irina
>>>> -------- -------- Redirected message
>>>> Subject: Re: Getting Started / Transfers / partner Nacha Travel
>>>> Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 23:13:53 0700
>>>> From: Alex Markov
>>>> To: i.korolkova@bgoperator.com
>>>> Good evening, Irene!
>>>> The attached file price per person for group transfers, including maintenance.
>>>> Please let us know if this format suits for inclusion in the system, if possible, today or tomorrow.
>>>> Thanks.
>>>> 7/20/2015 thirty-three past five p.m. GMT + 07: 00 i.korolkova@bgoperator. com:
>>>> Alex, hello!
>>>> As I understand it, get started we can not. I sent to you once the email you were sent Igor (our rate calculator). There are difficulties with entering transfers, but as I wrote to you several times before, without the group transfers is impossible to form a package. Answer, ECW Press, the letter from Igor. Once Tasksetters ENTERED's transfer grid will begin Named contracts.
>>>> Irina
>>>> 7.16.2015 13:32, Tarif Thai wrote:
>>>>> Hello, Alexander! Below is a letter I sent to Irina about group transfers. Check please the individual fine and the format that you Presley
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

Alexey, there is no solution.
i did not have the opportunity to communicate with the head.lord, Francie

07.27.2015 12:35 PM, Alex Mаrkоv wrote:
> hello Irina.
> is there a decision on the matter?
> Alexei, hello!
> We with you are talking about correspondence for long enough. All this is the time, in their letters, I constantly you wrote that for the formation of tourist packages we need quotes for transfers,Without them no packets can be formed. At the very beginning of our dialog with you, I have provided clarification on our complimentary scheduled shuttle service - you have answered, that they will be pay-per-view movies, and that is why I am constantly emphasis that all prices are in transfer,To be posted on the web site packages. This means exactly that, that the prices will be filling packages (a part of) and not on the other. Moreover,Our fare construction Igor gallons in its letters to the also focus.
> I do not possess the information, as well as spine relationship between the management of a company shop " and you (office in Thailand):Neither in the legal manner, neither the financial relations, neither in terms of reporting. It is not my responsibility, as well as "zero" for the fee-based service.Requesting a quote annex - I suppose it is as price application, necessary for the operation of.
> As far as I understand from your letter agreement (agreement) on the matter (transfer) between you and Alexander does not exist. Because the decision to zero and/or reducing the cost of can only take it,I will bring up to him, his decision will inform.
> Irina
> 07.23.2015 1:18 PM, Alex Mаrkоv wrote:
>> hello Irina.
>> all prices in the table for individual transfers are valid and the group. This is market price,Commitments made by the transport companies, which we hope to reduce using the lease transport in high season. Reporting with BS will be precisely at the prices for the transport unit,As we - this is BS and all the costs and revenues are of direct relevance to the BS, for the moment there is no income, there is a neural networks should take resources to less costly packets.
>> therefore party BS Moscow prices you can place any,Even equal zero, given that with the transport companies calculations will be on nor somebody another table that is the transport unit.
>> The total cost for the transport to the rights will vary depending on the number of hotels on the arrival report and on departure.
>> Request to formulate an optimal strategy in part prices for transfers and our start on the market in the light of the foregoing, the.
>> 2015-07-22 8:41 PM GMT 03:00 am i.kоrоlkоvа@bgоperаtоr.соm :
>> Alexey, hello!
>> Transfers tabulated and began to record contracts.
>> is now on the web site will appear prices and Nасhа Planeta and Sаyаmа. Have already been entered and Camelot Hotel Caesar Palace Hotel. But givenThat you have a very expensive bulk transfers (425 at the rights to one side, that, in the amount of the standard package for two gives 1700 b+ = 57 dollars), the "attractive" packages for agents as soon as possible will be packets Саяма.
>> Irina
>> 07.22.2015 7:59 PM, Alex Mаrkоv wrote:
>>> Hello, Francie
>>> request to clarify that there is enough information at this stage of the service for the record in the system and start booking tours?
>>> Thank You
powered by cmsimple.dk
>>> on Tuesday, July 21, 2015,Alex Mаrkоv wrоte:
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powered by cmsimple.dk
>>> 2015-07-21 3:24 PM GMT 07:00 Tarif Thai :
powered by cmsimple.dk
>>> Hello, Alexey! I would like to draw your attention to the important point regarding bulk transfers (yes and the individual).In the file, in some of the areas you have is extra charge depending on the time (for example, 20:00 pm to 06:00 a.m. at a transfer from Phuket airport charge 200 baht). We draw your attention,That we will not be able to keep track on how many tourists arrive at the airport or leaving the hotel, we cannot display this in our system. Therefore, we ask you to send us the final cost for the transfer without surcharge,Which are dependent on a specific time. The same was the case for the individual transfers.
powered by cmsimple.dk
>>> please send me please the final group and individual transfers from Nасhа travel.(You can do the same as the Sаyаmа for example, I have given the format, with which we have already worked and that we are convenient for the record in the system).Without transfers we cannot continue to be documented contracts from Nасhа travel to a new season.
powered by cmsimple.dk
>>> Thank You
powered by cmsimple.dk
>>> 07.20.2015 7:17 PM, i.kоrоlkоvа@bgоperаtоr.соm wrote:
shopping cart Igor, look - the new version. I am waiting your comments.
shopping cart Irina
Shopping Cart the forwarded message -------- --------
shopping cart Subject: Re: Getting Started/ Transfers/ partner Nасhа Travel
shopping cart Date: Mon, 20 Jul 2015 11:13:53 PM 0700
Shopping Cart From: Alex Mаrkоv
shopping cart to: i.kоrоlkоvа@bgоperаtоr.соm
shopping cart Good evening, Francie!
Shopping Cart in the attached file prices on rights for group transfers, including escort.
shopping cart, please explain whether or not this format is suitable for the record in the system, if this is possible, today and tomorrow.
shopping cart Thank You.
Shopping Cart 2015-07-20 5:33 PM local time: 07:00 PM i.kоrоlkоvа@bgоperаtоr.соm :
shopping cart Alexey, hello!
shopping cart as I understand it, to begin work we still do not have. I can't forward any you again letter, which you send Igor ( our fare construction).There is a total of the committal transfers, as well as i have stated on numerous occasions you wrote earlier, without bulk transfers it is not possible to form a package. Please answer, btw, to the letter from Igor.As only тарификаторы make harmful changes | grid, will begin to Mr. Franco contracts.
shopping cart Irina
shopping cart 07.16.2015 1:32 PM, Tarif Thai wrote:
may subscribe on any one Hello, Alexander! Letter below,Which I sent a Francie regarding bulk transfers. Read more please, with the individual all in order, and the format that you присла
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การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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