Алексей, подскажите по данному СПО. Эти цены указаны без "окна бронирования", то есть до 31.10.2016 года стоимость будет именно по данному СПО? У нас сейчас эти же самые цены стоят, но только до 30.09.2015
Alex, tell me on this. These prices are without "the reservation", that is, until 31.10.2016 year cost will be exactly on the STR? Now we have these same prices stand, but only until 30.09.2015
Alex, tell me on the ACT. These prices do not "window reservation", that is, until 10/31/2016, the cost of it will be on the open source software? We now have those same prices are, but only up to 09.30.2015
Alexey, tell me on this project. These prices are shown without the booking window", that is, prior to 10.31.2016, the cost will be for the project? We have the same prices are, but only up to 09.30.2015