I am aware that I am a fragment of the planetary ecosystem.
I release creativity/force within myself to show.
I give freedom to the joy and success to come closer to me.
- How can I know that joy and success are close for me?… Easy: finding out that sometimes you want to sing,
smile and say “thank you!”
- Are there any truths that I am not enough aware of?… Yes. Perhaps the most important is the one of
knowing that it is not a must to suffer in this life. And then, perhaps it would be good to acknowledge that each of us
has a place under the sun, that there is enough room for anyone’s success.Also, one can remember that always joy
comes to those who deserve it.
- How can I earn also the “joy of success”?… By making proof that you as well can gift another person the
chance to success. Practically use any occasion to gift a smile, an encouragement, and to ask nothing in return.
- Is there something inside us opposing kindness and altruism?… Yes, sometimes we are in the bad habit
of believing that by giving we become poorer. In reality, the truth is quite the opposite: by giving we get rich.
- Somewhere in the collective mentality are there some “tumors” that can be extirpated?… Yes, but only
when there is a common resolution to this end. For instance, in some collectivities there is the bad habit to believe
that success chances have diminished. The reality is that in all bad there is an enormous positive potential, which
can be easily be put to good use. The issue is to change the bad for good, like in fairy tales.
601 Avram Tripon / Procedia Technology 12 ( 2014 ) 598 – 603
- Can one change bad into good?… Not only it is possible, but it is very easy to put yourself in the positive
situation of knowing better the disadvantages of bad. It might be said that you became immune and know very
clearly what is good. You may feel the good as if it existed. The apparent contradiction is related to our habits, and
habits can be educated, like the mind, heart and life. Yes, even our life can be changed through education, reeducation in accordance with the natural rules of success.
Then We have used the creative method EFI-ROM [5]; is useful for individual use in order to evaluate
performance and limits, but also for experts within the human resources department of innovative companies, as a
rule SMEs. It assumes knowing the persons subjected to this method because it is successfully employed for logical,
perceptive and professionally dedicated individuals who are aware of the requirements related to mobility and
openness towards in novativeness at their workplace. It is applied particularly when there is no suitable solution or,
when with aim of bringing about a rounded-up successful outcome we intend to improve the already adopted
solution. We activate the interior potential being aware of own intentions. It starts with self-questionnaires and
results are obtained especially when we persevere and make our solution applicable for others as well. It is useful
even when we believe that there is no viable solution.
I took into account the Council Recommendation on the validation of non -formal and informal education [3].
I am aware that I am a fragment of the planetary ecosystem.
I release creativity/force within myself to show.
I give freedom to the joy and success to come closer to me.
- How can I know that joy and success are close for me?… Easy: finding out that sometimes you want to sing,
smile and say “thank you!”
- Are there any truths that I am not enough aware of?… Yes. Perhaps the most important is the one of
knowing that it is not a must to suffer in this life. And then, perhaps it would be good to acknowledge that each of us
has a place under the sun, that there is enough room for anyone’s success.Also, one can remember that always joy
comes to those who deserve it.
- How can I earn also the “joy of success”?… By making proof that you as well can gift another person the
chance to success. Practically use any occasion to gift a smile, an encouragement, and to ask nothing in return.
- Is there something inside us opposing kindness and altruism?… Yes, sometimes we are in the bad habit
of believing that by giving we become poorer. In reality, the truth is quite the opposite: by giving we get rich.
- Somewhere in the collective mentality are there some “tumors” that can be extirpated?… Yes, but only
when there is a common resolution to this end. For instance, in some collectivities there is the bad habit to believe
that success chances have diminished. The reality is that in all bad there is an enormous positive potential, which
can be easily be put to good use. The issue is to change the bad for good, like in fairy tales.
601 Avram Tripon / Procedia Technology 12 ( 2014 ) 598 – 603
- Can one change bad into good?… Not only it is possible, but it is very easy to put yourself in the positive
situation of knowing better the disadvantages of bad. It might be said that you became immune and know very
clearly what is good. You may feel the good as if it existed. The apparent contradiction is related to our habits, and
habits can be educated, like the mind, heart and life. Yes, even our life can be changed through education, reeducation in accordance with the natural rules of success.
Then We have used the creative method EFI-ROM [5]; is useful for individual use in order to evaluate
performance and limits, but also for experts within the human resources department of innovative companies, as a
rule SMEs. It assumes knowing the persons subjected to this method because it is successfully employed for logical,
perceptive and professionally dedicated individuals who are aware of the requirements related to mobility and
openness towards in novativeness at their workplace. It is applied particularly when there is no suitable solution or,
when with aim of bringing about a rounded-up successful outcome we intend to improve the already adopted
solution. We activate the interior potential being aware of own intentions. It starts with self-questionnaires and
results are obtained especially when we persevere and make our solution applicable for others as well. It is useful
even when we believe that there is no viable solution.
I took into account the Council Recommendation on the validation of non -formal and informal education [3].
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