Доброе утро любимая!
Скромная, очень ранимая.
Всем до конца не понятная.
Сердцем душой необъятная.
Солнышко ты не наглядное.
Свежая, вкусная, мятная.
Кроткая, нежная, милая.
Чувством и телом красивая.
Доброе утро желанная!
Светлая, ясная, странная.
Девушка умная, дивная.
Девочка чудо наивная.
Взрослая, слабая, сильная.
Строгая, мягкая, стильная.
Жаркая, чувственнострасная.
Чистая, душепрекрасная.
Доброе утро любимая!
Яркая, неповторимая.
Над суетою парящая.
Сказочно ненастоящая.
Рану души обнаженной.
Видно сквозь очи бездонные.
Добрая, страстно печальная.
Мне повстречалась нечаянно.
Good morning darling!
Modest, very vulnerable.
All is not completely clear.
Immense heart and soul.
Honey you do not descriptive.
Fresh, tasty mint.
Meek, gentle, sweet.
Sense and the body beautiful.
Good morning, welcome!
Bright, clear, strange.
Clever girl, marvelous.
Miracle naive girl.
Adult, weak and strong.
Strong, soft, stylish.
Hot, chuvstvennostrasnaya.
Clean, dusheprekrasnaya.
Good morning darling !
Bright, unique.
Soaring above the vanity.
Fabulous fake.
Wound the soul naked.
It is seen through the eyes fathomless.
Kind, passionately sad.
I met accidentally.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Good morning lovely!
modest, very impressionable.
All not clear.
immense soul Heart Sun you're not Visual.
fresh, delicious Mint.
Meek, gentle, sweet.
feeling and body beautiful.
Good morning zhelannaya!
Bright, clear, clever Girl.
strange, wondrous miracle naive Girl.
Big, weak, strong, moderate, strict
hot, stylish čuvstvennostrasnaâ.
dušeprekrasnaâ clean, good morning Darling!
Bright, unrepeatable.
suetoû suspended over the Fabulously fake.
naked souls the wound can be seen through the eyes of bottomless.
kind, passionate sad.
I met accidentally.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Good morning favorite!
a modest, it is very vulnerable.
all the up to the end of the is not intuitive.
The Heart soul SPLM.
sunshine you are not a pictorial.
fresh, delicious, мятная.
did not laugh immoderately, gentle, sweet.
a sense of your body and a beautiful.
Good morning desired!
bright, clear, bizarre.
The girl is smart, Oboyan.
miracle girl opposite.
adult, the weak, the strong.
strict, soft, stylish.
hot, чувственнострасная.
the Net, душепрекрасная.
Good morning favorite.
Bright, unique.
brought us up out of floating.
Fellini back explicitly.
wound soul bare.
can be seen through thy shiny.
the goodwill, fervently sad.
i accidently Euphrates river.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..